Veterans’ Benefits
Did you know that there are less than 100 VA Accredited Attorneys in Arkansas? McKenzie R. Macy is one of those accredited attorneys, and our firm is proud to help our veterans prepare and present their claims before the VA.
McKenzie has helped veterans obtain both service and nonservice-connected benefits that they are entitled to from the VA. Service-connected benefits are those where injury or disease results in a disability directly related to military service (Agent Orange, PTSD, tinnitus, etc.), while nonservice-connected benefits only require an injury or disease that has resulted in a disability and does not have to be due to military service (VA Aid & Attendance Pension is a common example).
Though we try to help all veterans to the extent that we can, our primary focus is on a specific nonservice-connected benefit, the VA Aid & Attendance Pension (also referred to as an Improved Pension Benefit). This benefit does not depend on an injury suffered while in service, and is a benefit veterans have earned through service to our country. This benefit helps offset medical expenses, and includes expenses like in-home care, assisted living, and nursing homes. According to the VA, only 310,000 VA Aid and Attendance Pension checks are issued per month, while it is estimated that around 15,000,000 veterans and surviving spouses qualify.
To qualify for this underutilized benefit, need, asset, and income requirements must be met, which we can help you meet. Additionally, veterans must have served at least 90 days of active duty, with one of these days being during wartime.
Dates Eligible for Possible Benefits Include:
- WWI 04/16/1917 – 11/11/1918
- WWII 12/07/1941 – 12/31/1946
- *the end date for Merchant Marines is 08/15/1945
- Korea 06/27/1950 – 01/31/1955
- Vietnam 08/05/1964 – 05/07/1975
- *the start date for those stationed in-country is 02/28/1961
- Gulf/Iraq 08/02/1990 – Present
The maximum monthly income provided by the VA Aid & Attendance Pension is tax free, and can be up to $27,549 per year ($2,295.75 per month) for a married veteran, $23,238 per year ($1,936.50 per month) for a single veteran, and $1,244.50 for the surviving widow of a veteran. If you would like assistance qualifying for this benefit, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.